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MPC 003 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MPC 003 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MPC 003 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Course code: MPC 003

Assignment Code: MPC 003/ASST/TMA/2023-24

Marks: 100

There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the Sections.

Assignment A

Answer the following questions in 1000 words each.

Q1. Discuss the role of psychological factors in personality development.

Psychological factors play a significant role in personality development. Personality can be thought of as a complex interplay between genetic predispositions (nature) and environmental influences (nurture). Within this broad spectrum of influences, psychological factors play a pivotal role, molding an individual's attitudes, behaviors, emotional patterns, and thought processes. Here are some major psychological factors that influence personality development:

Early Attachment: The nature of the bond between an infant and its primary caregiver, usually the mother, can shape aspects of the child's personality. The Attachment Theory, proposed by John Bowlby, suggests that children who are securely attached tend to develop a sense of trust and see the world as predictable, while those with insecure attachments might have trust issues and view the world as unpredictable.

Parenting Styles: The way parents raise their children has profound implications for personality development. For example:

Authoritarian parenting (strict with high demands) might result in children who are obedient but may have lower self-esteem.

Permissive parenting (lenient with few demands) might lead to children who are more impulsive.

Authoritative parenting (balanced with clear guidelines) often results in children who are confident and responsible.

Learning and Conditioning: Classical and operant conditioning can shape a person's behavior and, thus, parts of their personality. Positive reinforcements can instill positive behaviors, while negative reinforcements or punishments might lead to avoidance behaviors.

Social Learning: Proposed by Albert Bandura, the Social Learning Theory posits that individuals develop behaviors and habits by observing others. For instance, a child might develop assertiveness by observing an older sibling's assertive behavior.

Cognitive Factors: How individuals process information, their thought patterns, and their self-concept play a significant role in personality development. For example, individuals with a growth mindset (believing abilities can be developed) might approach challenges differently from those with a fixed mindset (believing abilities are static).

Traumatic Experiences: Traumas, such as abuse, neglect, or witnessing violence, can significantly impact personality development. For instance, individuals who've experienced trauma might develop avoidant behaviors, trust issues, or even disorders like PTSD.

Cultural and Social Influences: The values, norms, and expectations of one's culture and society can shape many aspects of personality. For instance, collectivist cultures might foster personalities that value group harmony and family, while individualistic cultures might encourage independence and self-expression.

Peer Influence: Especially during adolescence, peer groups can influence values, interests, and behaviors. Conforming to peer expectations or resisting peer pressure can shape different aspects of personality.

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Life Experiences: Over time, an accumulation of life experiences, such as successes, failures, love, loss, and challenges, can mold personality. Individuals often refine their values, beliefs, and behaviors based on these experiences.

Biological Factors: While not purely psychological, it's worth noting that neurotransmitter activity, brain structures, and hormones can influence behaviors and emotions, contributing to personality traits. For instance, differences in serotonin levels have been associated with variations in impulsivity and aggression.

In conclusion, personality development is multifaceted, with psychological factors playing a critical role. These factors, often interlinked with biological and environmental elements, come together in complex ways to shape the unique personalities of individuals.

Q2. Define apperception. Describe tests related to apperception.

Q3. Explain the purpose of interview method. Discuss the strengths and limitations of interview method.

Assignment B

Answer the following questions in 400 words each.

Q4. Discuss the role of nature and nurture in personality development.

Q5. Delineate the common characteristics and assumptions of behavioural assessment methods.

Q6. Explain the salient features of Roger’s theory of personality.

Q7. Explain the key concepts of Cattell’s theory of personality.

Q8. In the light of Horney’s theory of personality, explain the concept of basic anxiety and neurotic needs.


Q9. Nomothetic approach to personality

Q10. Strengths of case study method

Q11. Personification

Q12. Superego

Q13. Types of functional autonomy

Q14. Ayurvedic body types

Q15. Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Q16. Measures to avoid faking in personality inventory

Q17. Criterion related validity

Q18. Extraversion/Introversion

MPC 003 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.


Dear Learner,

You have to submit one assignment in each course, i.e. MPC 003 Solved Assignment 2023-24. All these are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). Before attempting the assignments, please read the instructions provided in the Programme Guide carefully.

Kindly note, you have to submit these assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre Code on the first page of the assignment. You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. Keep photocopies of the assignments with you.

Also Check :

MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2023-24

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After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist on this and keep a record with you. The marks obtained by you will be sent by the Study Centre to the Student Evaluation Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.

Guidelines for Doing Assignments

There are five questions in each assignment, all carry equal marks. Attempt all the questions in not more than 500 words (each). You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

Planning: Read the assignments carefully. Go through the units on which they are based, make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order

Organization and Presentation: Be analytical in your selection of the information for your answer. Give adequate attention to the introduction and the conclusion. Make sure that your answer is logical and coherent; has a proper flow of information.

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