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MCSL 016 Solved Assignment 2021-22


MCSL 016 Solved Assignment 2021-22

Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course)

MCSL 016 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Course Code : MCSL 016

Course Title : Internet Concepts and Web Design (Lab Course)

Assignment Number : PGDCA(I)/L016/Assign/2021-22

Maximum Marks : 100 (including Lab Record Marks)

Weightage : 25%

There are two questions in this assignment carrying a total of 40 marks. Your Lab Record will carry 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Submit the screenshots along with the coding and documentation.



A Book publisher maintains a website of the books published by them. The publisher site displays the list of the book title, authors, date of publishing and price. In addition, it also displays a form for the authors who want to publish book. Design and create four web pages for the website of the Publisher namely, Home, Book_List, Author_Registration Form and Feedback, having the following features:

For consistency, every web page of the website should consist of three basic divisions –

Header – This division should be of the same for all the four web pages and should display name and logo of the Publisher. This division should be in different background colour.

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Navigation - This division should be same for every web page. It should contain links to all the web pages, viz. Home, Book_List, Author_Registration Form and Feedback.

Information - This division should display the basic information as given below. The web pages that you are designing should differ in this Division only.

The Information division of the different pages should be as under:

· Home page should include a Welcome message, information about the types of Books published by the publisher and contact details.

· Book_List page should display information about the books published by the publisher, viz. title, authors, date of publishing and price.

· Author_Registration page should contain a form, which should have fields - name of the author, email id, phone, proposed book title, expected time to complete the book and a Submit button. You should write JavaScript code to verify that all the fields are filled with some data. This code should be run when the submit button is pressed.

· Feedback page should display another form that has two input fields – Name of the person giving feedback and a text area for giving feedback; and a submit button.



How does the use of CSS help in maintenance of the site created by you? Explain the important features of Angular JS.

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MCSL 016 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.


Dear Learner,

You have to submit one assignment in each course, i.e. MCSL 016, MCSL 016 and MCSL 017. All these are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). Before attempting the assignments, please read the instructions provided in the Programme Guide carefully.

Kindly note, you have to submit these assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre Code on the first page of the assignment. You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. Keep photocopies of the assignments with you.

After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist on this and keep a record with you. The marks obtained by you will be sent by the Study Centre to the Student Evaluation Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.

Guidelines for Doing Assignments

There are five questions in each assignment, all carry equal marks. Attempt all the questions in not more than 500 words (each). You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

Planning: Read the assignments carefully. Go through the units on which they are based, make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order

Organization and Presentation: Be analytical in your selection of the information for your answer. Give adequate attention to the introduction and the conclusion. Make sure that your answer is logical and coherent; has a proper flow of information.

For IGNOU Solved Assignment PDF & Hand Written


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