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IGNOU Study Material And Books : Free Download


IGNOU Study Material (eGyankosh)

IGNOU Study Materials/Books for All Courses – Checkout our Latest and Updated List of Study Materials. Here we have covered the almost entire list of IGNOU Offered courses Books and Materials so please find your program from the list and get started to download your books for free of cost. Just search your program in which you took admission from IGNOU University.

Our motto is to provide and promote digital study materials to the IGNOU Students so that they don’t need to depend on printed or hard books. IGNOU E-Books will help to prepare for you program from anywhere and any time even if you are traveling.

“Easy to Download, Easy to Save and Easy to Read”

IGNOU University is also sending the printed study materials to the IGNOU Students after taking admission to the university and its fee is included in your admission fee. But it may take some time to deliver your books to your address and its’s sometimes delayed for delivering to student’s addresses which can affect your study. We have found a way to resolve all this issue and started to upload the digital books of IGNOU at the IGNOU Help site.








Format of Books










Number of Programs




Number of e-Books












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·        IGNOU Study Material Status 2020-21

·        IGNOU Latest Assignment June 2021

·        IGNOU Solved Assignment 2020-21

Here, you don’t need to pay any fees to us and you can download as many times as you want. All study materials available in our section come in PDF format. Online books help students read books at any tine and any place. You no need to keep physical books with you while you are on moving. You can read materials from our portal anywhere.

All materials are available free of cost. Our objective is to provide complete materials of all courses to our candidates so they can learn online and complete their studies with a new modern way of education. It will be helpful for the preparation of your examination to get good marks and grades.

We have categorized the list of IGNOU Study Materials/Books in the Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduated, Diploma and Certificate Courses, etc which make it easier for IGNOU students to find their program and download their required material in less duration of time.

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IGNOU New Study Material (CBCS)

1. IGNOU BAECH Study Material (Download)

2. IGNOU BAHIH Study Material (Download)

3. IGNOU BAPSH Study Material (Download)

4. IGNOU BAPCH Study Material (Download)

5. IGNOU BAPAH Study Material (Download)

6. IGNOU BASOH Study Material (Download)

7. IGNOU BSCANH Study Material (Download)

8. IGNOU BAEGH Study Material (Download)

9. IGNOU BAHDH Study Material (Download)

IGNOU Trending Study Material 2021

IGNOU BAG Study Material

IGNOU BCOMG Study Material

IGNOU BSCG Study Material

IGNOU BAVTM Study Material

IGNOU Master Degree Courses Study Material:

IGNOU MSWC Study Material

IGNOU MADVS Study Material

IGNOU MATS Study Material

IGNOU MSCCFT Study Material

IGNOU MAWSG Study Material

IGNOU MAAN Study Material

IGNOU MA Education Study Material

IGNOU MACS Study Material

IGNOU MAEDS Study Material

IGNOU MAGD Study Material

IGNOU MAGPS Study Material

IGNOU MAH Study Material

IGNOU MAPC Study Material

IGNOU MAPY Study Material

IGNOU MARD Study Material

IGNOU MBA Study Material

IGNOU MCA Study Material

IGNOU MCOM Study Material

IGNOU MEC Study Material

IGNOU MEG Study Material

IGNOU MHD Study Material

IGNOU MPA Study Material

IGNOU MPS Study Material

IGNOU MSW Study Material

IGNOU MTM Study Material

IGNOU MAAE Study Material

IGNOU MADE Study Material

IGNOU MBA Banking and Finance Study Material

IGNOU MCOM BP & CG Study Material

IGNOU MCOM MA & FS Study Material

IGNOU MLIS Study Material

IGNOU MSCDFSM Study Material

IGNOU MSO Study Material

IGNOU Bachelors Degree Courses Study Material:

IGNOU BDP Study Material

IGNOU BA Urdu Study Material

IGNOU BA in Philosophy Study Material

IGNOU BA Study Material

IGNOU BAPC Study Material

IGNOU BBA Study Material

IGNOU BCA Study Material

IGNOU BCOM Study Material

IGNOU BED Study Material

IGNOU BLIS Study Material

IGNOU BPP Study Material

IGNOU BSC Study Material

IGNOU BSCHOT Study Material

IGNOU BSCN Study Material

IGNOU BSW Study Material

IGNOU BTCM Study Material

IGNOU BCOM AF Study Material

IGNOU BCOM CA & A Study Material

IGNOU BCOM F & CA Study Material

IGNOU BTS Study Material

IGNOU Post Basic BSC Nursing Study Material

IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma Courses Study Material

IGNOU PGDEMA Study Material

IGNOU PGDSS Study Material

IGNOU PGDEOH Study Material

IGNOU PGDCOUN Study Material

IGNOU PGDPPED Study Material

IGNOU PGDEMA Study Material

IGNOU PGDET Study Material

IGNOU PGDIS Study Material

IGNOU PGDAE Study Material

IGNOU PGDAPP Study Material

IGNOU PGDCC Study Material

IGNOU PGDESD Study Material

IGNOU PGDFSQM Study Material

IGNOU PGDGM Study Material

IGNOU PGDHHM Study Material

IGNOU PGDHRM Study Material

IGNOU PGDIBO Study Material

IGNOU PGDIPR Study Material

IGNOU PGDLAN Study Material

IGNOU PGDMRR Study Material

IGNOU PGDPM Study Material

IGNOU PGDRD Study Material

IGNOU PGDDM Study Material

IGNOU PGDEDS Study Material

IGNOU PGDFM Study Material

IGNOU PGDGPS Study Material

IGNOU PGDIM Study Material

IGNOU PGDMCH Study Material

IGNOU PGDMM Study Material

IGNOU PGDOM Study Material

IGNOU PGDSLM Study Material

IGNOU PGJMC Study Material

IGNOU PGDAC Study Material

IGNOU PGDBP Study Material

IGNOU PGDCJ Study Material

IGNOU PGDHE Study Material

 IGNOU PGDPSM Study Material

IGNOU PGDFCS Study Material

IGNOU PGDWGS Study Material

IGNOU PGDAST Study Material

IGNOU PGDMH Study Material

IGNOU PGDUPDL Study Material

IGNOU PGDFMP Study Material

IGNOU PGDDVS Study Material

IGNOU PGDCA Study Material

IGNOU PGDCSR Study Material

IGNOU PGDAW Study Material

IGNOU Post Graduate Certificate Courses Study Material:

IGNOU PGCBHT Study Material

IGNOU PGCPP Study Material

IGNOU PGCAE Study Material

IGNOU PGCCL Study Material

IGNOU PGCE Study Material

IGNOU PGCWT Study Material

IGNOU PGCEDS Study Material

IGNOU PGCGPS Study Material

IGNOU PGCOI Study Material

IGNOU PGCPDT Study Material

IGNOU PGCGI Study Material

IGNOU PGCAP Study Material

IGNOU PGCMHT Study Material


IGNOU Diploma Courses Study Material:

IGNOU DMOP Study Material

IGNOU DCCN Study Material

IGNOU DTG Study Material

IGNOU DEVMT Study Material

IGNOU DIPP Study Material

IGNOU DBPOFA Study Material

IGNOU DWM Study Material

IGNOU DUL Study Material

IGNOU DCE Study Material

IGNOU DCLE Study Material

IGNOU DDT Study Material

IGNOU DELED Study Material

IGNOU DFPT Study Material

IGNOU DMT Study Material

IGNOU DNA Study Material

IGNOU DNHE Study Material

IGNOU DNS Study Material

IGNOU DPVCPO Study Material

IGNOU DVAPFV Study Material

IGNOU DWED Study Material

IGNOU DAFE Study Material

IGNOU DECE Study Material

IGNOU DIM Study Material

IGNOU DTS Study Material

IGNOU DPLAD Study Material

IGNOU DTH Study Material

IGNOU DPVE Study Material

IGNOU DHORT Study Material

IGNOU Certificate Courses Study Material:

IGNOU ACE Study Material

IGNOU ACPDM Study Material

IGNOU CFN Study Material

IGNOU CFS Study Material

IGNOU CHCWM Study Material

IGNOU CIT Study Material

IGNOU CNCC Study Material

IGNOU COF Study Material

IGNOU CPE Study Material

IGNOU CRD Study Material

IGNOU CAFE Study Material

IGNOU CBS Study Material

IGNOU CCP Study Material

IGNOU CDM Study Material

IGNOU CES Study Material

IGNOU CETE Study Material

IGNOU CFE Study Material

IGNOU CHR Study Material

IGNOU CIG Study Material

IGNOU CIS Study Material

IGNOU CMSR Study Material

IGNOU CNM Study Material

IGNOU CPF Study Material

IGNOU CPLT Study Material

IGNOU CPVE Study Material

IGNOU CTE Study Material

IGNOU CTPM Study Material

IGNOU CTS Study Material

IGNOU CIB Study Material

IGNOU CRUL Study Material

IGNOU CLIS Study Material

IGNOU CAHT Study Material

IGNOU CHBHC Study Material

IGNOU CVAP Study Material

IGNOU CETM Study Material

IGNOU CWHM Study Material

IGNOU CIHL Study Material

IGNOU ACPSD Study Material

IGNOU CCITSK Study Material

IGNOU CNIN Study Material

IGNOU CAL Study Material

IGNOU CJL Study Material

IGNOU CPATHA Study Material

IGNOU CPAHM Study Material

IGNOU CPAKM Study Material

IGNOU CPABN Study Material

IGNOU CKLC Study Material

IGNOU ACISE Study Material

IGNOU CUL Study Material

IGNOU CTRBS Study Material

IGNOU APDF Study Material

IGNOU CCP Study Material

IGNOU CMCHN Study Material

IGNOU CLTA Study Material

IGNOU CFAID Study Material

IGNOU CSWCJS Study Material

IGNOU CFL Study Material

IGNOU CCR Study Material

IGNOU CGDA Study Material

IGNOU CGCA Study Material

IGNOU CHHA Study Material

IGNOU CPHA Study Material

IGNOU CSLC Study Material

IGNOU CGL Study Material

IGNOU CCLBL Study Material

IGNOU CCPD Study Material

IGNOU CPY Study Material

IGNOU PGCCC Study Material

IGNOU CFDE Study Material

IGNOU CMAD Study Material

IGNOU CSWM Study Material

IGNOU Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MCOM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU PGDIBO Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MAGD Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CFL Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MARD Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DPVCPO Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DVAPFV Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CTPM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CAHT Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU PGDUPDL Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MPA Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BSC Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU COF Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CDM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CTS Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CRD Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CAFÉ Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CWHM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CNCC Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CPLT Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CHR Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CPF Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DWM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DECE Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DNHE Study material in Hindi

IGNOU MSW Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BSW Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DWED Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MSO Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MAH Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MPS Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DELED Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU PGDLSM Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU PGDT Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU MEC Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CIG Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BED Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CFN Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BA Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DDT Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BPP Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CIS Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CLTA Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU PGDRD Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CCR Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU DIPP Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU CSWCJS Study Material in Hindi

IGNOU BLIS Study Material in Hindi

Source: eGyankosh

How to Download IGNOU Study Material?

The procedure to download the study material is jus as simple as you think. The candidate jus needs to find your program from the list and start downloading now. It will help all students to solve their IGNOU Assignment for current and upcoming session examination.

The benefit of IGNOU Digital Material

IGNOU has officially started the promotion of digital study material by offering a 15% Fee Discount to those student who select soft copy or digital books as a preference of IGNOU Study Material Candidates will be getting their 15% refund of admission fees to their bank account after the selection of a soft copy as an option.

Updated Frequently with New Courses

Our IGNOU team keeps working on collection new study materials for different courses to help our students. Books and study Material list will keep updating to provide materials of all courses to all our candidates who are studying with IGNOU University.

Most Trusted Source of IGNOU Books

This page is now trusted by the thousands of students from IGNOU University as well as other students who are preparing for their competitive, government, and professional examination so the available materials also help other student including IGNOU students.

Our team is working hard to update the IGNOU Study Material section with the new programs and revised books so keep checking this page for new uploads. Candidates can contact us if their study material is not uploaded or available in the above list. We will try to upload your requested study material as soon as possible at IGNOU Hhelp so that you can start preparing for your examination.

For IGNOU Solved Assignment PDF & Hand Written


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